Always a principle I lived by and you know what, this principle still stays. Maybe it can be an axiom. I like planning a lot and most of my life have been according to plan — also because I am aware of what I can and can’t control. In this new cycle that I am experiencing, I am learning that life is a balance between planning and responding. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, and I’m learning this a lot more now. So instead of beating myself up about failing certain expectations, it is important to remember that I can be flexible and respond to when new situation arises.
Awareness is really recognition — being self-aware, mindful of my emotion and labelling what I am feeling. This step alone helps me to get through uncertainty and confusion because I am able to see and be aware of what I am going through.
Sometimes to do this, I take myself out on an adventure, take care of myself and be aware of what I am feeling.
Acceptance is a very important next step. Being aware is not enough because sometimes, we forget to be kind to ourselves and understand that we are in the middle of this. And accept that this can be really hard. Really really hard sometimes. So it is okay to be kind and take time to understand and accept this.
Finally, accepting and realising that we are in this space, we take the necessary actions to resolve this. Acceptance can be hard because it means we are moving towards the action phase and really experience the change. So it is okay to take time and be kind.
It can be thinking deeply, reflecting, being grateful, or even just vent for a moment. I find it most useful to be alone, go on an adventure, collect my thoughts then speak to people that I trust. We are all humans in the end. Even superheroes need a break some time.
It’s important to know this cycle because it will keep repeating. And being aware of it helps to make it easier. Moving forward, life is about responding than planning, and this can be challenging, but there can be so much fun in this new phase.