This week I'm thankful. I'm thankful for being reminded of the people and support I have in my life. I'm not having the best week for some strange reason. I'm feeling sluggish, little lazy and just generally feeling like a POS because I'm not my usual productive energetic self. Maybe it's because of the hawker food that I'm eating. Or for some strange reason, not really in my element again.
I know it is okay to have bad days.
I really do know that. I'm just looking forward to the bad days to go away and the good ones to come back again. In the meantime, I'll keep pushing through each day an allow things to continue it's path (the auto-pilot tasks).
I know the good days will be back.
But in the meantime, I'm most grateful for friends who just randomly check in on me. Near or far, it's just beautiful that people kinda know that "she needs a check in". And for that, my heart is so full. They also remind me that I'm doing great, and it helps when you feel quite sluggish on the inside. I'm truly grateful to people in my life.
It's just beautiful how simple it is to check in on friends and just chat for a bit about how things are. It's this kind of support. It's this beautiful relationship. Anyway, I'm obsessed w life and with the friends I have the luxury to meet and have the privilege to interact with.
I love you, friends. Near or far, I'm most grateful for you all.