I learnt that life is mainly downtime. Whilst my downtime can be considered as uptime to others, life is only relatively to the experiences you personally underwent. While building my company for 3 years now, I understood that life is mainly downtime. And I love the downtime!
Lesson learnt: life is 80% downtime. Find someone you want to spend downtime with.
I’ve been fortunate to experience life in many ways and dimensions. That also translates to my life being uptime most of the time. The past 11 years is nothing but rainbows and butterflies. There are some bad moments, of course, but in general, it is the best thing in the world. I’m grateful.
The company is a reflection of how I live my life, which is a reflection of life. Abstractions of abstractions. And that reminded me that life is mainly downtime. So as the company is an abstraction of how I understand life, it means to find someone to spend downtime with, just like how I am obsessed with downtime in the company too.
So, who’s the person you want to spend downtime with? What are the traits and characters of this person? And lastly, where do you find him?