Some days, I need to hear some words from soft Lisa. Not looking for hard Lisa all the time. I look into the mirror and tell myself this.
Hi gorgeous,
I know this sucks now. I know what you’re feeling. I recognise the effort you’re putting in. Some days are hard, and this is one of those days. This sucks. You really have done so much. You have done your best and I can see that. But still, yes, this sucks.
But you know what? I’m proud of you. I’m proud of everything you’ve done so far. Look at how far you’ve come! Look at where you are now, look at what you’re doing now. It’s amazing that reality is better than dreams.
Cheer up, gorgeous. You’ll be fine. You’re Lisa, and you will be fine. Everything will be fine. You’ll overcome this. You’re stronger than this. Tomorrow will be a better day. These are great lessons, better now than later. You’ll be alright. Keep that smile going. We’ll be better tomorrow.