Originally posted on 14 November 2014
"On the other planets, they look up and wish upon you. Because on the other planets, you live on a star." -I wrote this for you
How often do we get so caught up with our own struggles that we look up wishing we were somewhere else? I know I am guilty for sure. I always wake up, looking at my life and wishing that I was somewhere else. There's so many places I should be, doing so many activities, meeting so many people. However, here I am, stuck in this limbo of grades obsessed environment and it is not bringing the best out in me. I look towards the sky, wishing that someday, it will take me away. Under the same sky, I'd be doing what I love.
This quote woke me up. While here I am (having a good family, good house, good education, pretty great life just with lots of stress) wishing to be somewhere greater, there are so many people out there dying to live my life. I have enough, it's good. But I am not satisfied. I am never satisfied. The more I discover things, the more unhappy I am, because I cannot get them. I'm pretty much stuck here. Or so, I thought.
Why do we always want things we cannot have? I have this bad habit of being obsessed with things I cannot have. I guess there is a sense of achievement in getting things that are impossible or difficult. However, it is slowly killing me. I learnt that being stressed is not the same as being productive and efficient.
Everyone is fighting their own battle. I didn't put much thought when I came across this statement because it's just a battle. However, as I met more people (who basically because of their failure to manage time, plan and anticipate situations that resulted in their current battle), I realised that they are fighting some serious battle. People issues, work issues, dateline issues, love issues, school issues, financial issues, health issue etc. It's a never ending battle. So, put a smile on your face today and smile at the next person you meet.
Appreciate whatever you have today. The resources, the people, the opportunities and experiences. Because to the other planets, you are a star.
Love always,