One of my favourite basic things in the world is post it notes. It is just so versatile and user-friendly. I learnt this recently and have been using it frequently in the last 6 months.
Post-it stack as your daily reminder.
I am a huge believer in "pen to paper". I pen my thoughts and reminders down, hence I have tons of notebooks and scribbles. That being said, I have been refining my goals for the past 12 years. It keeps improving. This is what I use now.
Objective: portable daily personalised reminders of goals.
How: instead of a vision board and personal OKR, write 1 important note on a post it stack.
Why: we like the path of least resistance. This keeps us focused.
When: review it daily. At the very least, review when feeling down.
How To
Get a stack of post-it. 15-16 pages each works.
Page 1: I like to write the date above and be kind to myself. Huge goals can feel daunting, and reminding myself about why I'm doing this makes it easier.
Page 2: my mission. Goals in life. It's not about money, it never is about money. How do I want to make a mark in this life. What value do I want to contribute to my specific community that I am in?
Page 3: Reminders like "What would it look like if it was EASY"
Page 4: Reminders like "My ideals emerges through daily practice"
Page 5-12: Reminders
Page 13: Future me. 3-5 points on "Who do I want to become in 5 years"
Page 14: Future me. "What will she own" ← or whatever is a tangible and measurable result
Page 15: Daily routines reminder
I work well with words, so I write them down and make scribbles. Adding images is a good thing too. Nothing too pretty. Just direct and straight to the point.
6 Months Result
In the first 2 months, I was very diligent. I started every day reading this stack on the way to the office. Then I was a little lazy, but I still carried by stack around with me. I read it when I'm feeling exhausted. I read it once in a while. And it keeps me grounded when I am a little lost.
It's only 6 months, but I've achieve 1 major goal and I am very well on my way to the other goals. Maybe it's time to think way bigger! 😉
Redid this (orange) stack for the next 6 months. With bigger dreams and shorter timeline.