Not to sound like a broken recorder, but I'm so thankful and grateful for people in my life. They could be strangers, old friends, new friends or family-level relationships. It truly is a wonder and beauty to be able to get to where I am today.
I am nowhere near where I want to be ultimately, at the same time, I have come so far from where I started. It truly is amazing in this journey so far. And again, it is never just me along this journey. I had tremendous help along the way. My friends with encyclopaedia as brains, advice from friends, support from strangers and endless learning from the internet. I just happen to be at the right place and right time to aggregate these and make something out of it.
It's easy to forget other people's contributions, but without them, I am nothing. So I truly am grateful and heartened by how lucky I am. There is not enough time in the world for me to count my blessings because it is as many as there are stars in the sky.
Thank you, people in my life. Thank you for being my support, my listening ear, my guide. I don't know how I deserve these people. I truly am grateful. I love the people in my life, truly deeply love them.
Thank you.