When you hold it for so long, take a break and be intentional about breaking down.
It is not a bad thing. In fact, it is good. When the F1 cars go round the circuits at insane speeds, they need to take a break at the pitstop. Otherwise, if they keep going, they will crash into a wall and die.
We all need a break to stop and unwind. We can shorten the pitstop time and increase the frequency of pitstop time, but we still need that pitstop. Always.
Something I learnt for a long time now is that life is always status quo
. It sounds so silly because you learn grow and keep achieving, only to come back to the same position but in a better light.
To put it plainly, I thought of growth along the x- and y-axis. Turns out, growth is also on the z-axis. We feel like nothing has changed, but gosh everything has.
Anyway, pitstop is not just growth during the x/y plane but also on the z-plane. And taking a break is important to come back to the status quo.
As in economics, it is all about equilibrium. Growth becomes wonky when one part is out of balance. We need to grow them all together. That is hard. Like every other trilemma problem you see. The good thing is that during pitstops, you learn to access if you are growing too much on 2 planes and missing one. I do that often. Way too often. Growing along the x/y and forgetting about the z. And so I take a break and come back to my z-plane.
That is where it is balanced again, although I feel like I am back to status quo. Back to where I first started, but stronger and more equipped than ever. It never gets easier, you just get better.
You really are stronger than you know.